Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chris Dale in 20 years?


Aa said...

well, obviously.
I'd say more like next week though.

Coach Brown said...

Gary Wolf? Chris Dale? ...How about Gay Wolf, and the only belt Chris has is a strap on!

doublenickel said...

The guy in the video is my hero. And after reading Joel's comments, he will also be my new coach.

Joel is still very upset at the beating he was given by Team NBX at F1 karting. He's personally embarrased and is lashing out with his weird fantasy/anger-based insults. It doesn't change the fact that his F1 racing carrer was dismantled on one snowy evening in Boston. A big, sad piloti driving shoe-clad clown.

Anyway...back to my new coach. No water. Only milk and coffe. 56 big-ring. Removed the front derailleur and rear brake. No hills. Short, power rides. Full caaaaaahbon!!